February 7, 2008
Ensenada, Baja California Norte, Mexico
We finally made it past the border! Although we’d planned to leave San Diego on Tuesday, Feb. 5th, the “High Surf Warning” and buoy reports of 13-foot seas just offshore kept us in the slip for one more day. So, at 0430 on Wednesday, Feb. 6th, we took off from Sun Harbor Marina, and headed for Ensenada. Although there was a good westerly swell running, the wind only blew 5 – 15 knots for most of the day. We motor-sailed almost the entire 63 nm from Pt. Loma to Ensenada, in order to be sure and arrive at Marina Baja Naval before 7:00 p.m. We actually made great time, and were secure in the slip by 4:30. During the day, we had some great marine mammal sightings, including a couple of very cooperative bowriding Pacific white-sided dolphins. We also saw 6 California gray whales, and several groups of fast-moving common dolphins. No pelagic birds of note, but we were never more than 4 miles offshore.
Today we took care of business, clearing customs, immigration and paying for a “temporary import permit” for the boat. Now we’re legal. I made Mark push the button at customs, since I almost always get the red light. His luck held, and I breathed a sigh of relief when the green “PASE” lit up. I really didn’t want the Customs officials to come down and see how much wine we have stored!
We’re leaving tomorrow around 1000 for an overnight run to Bahía San Quintín. We plan to anchor there for Saturday night, then continue to either Cedros, or San Benito Islands. We’ll try and post via an email over the SSB radio, but that technology may be more than we can handle. Enjoy these photos, and know that we’re thinking of you.
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