Monday, March 3, 2008

In La Paz

It’s been over a week since our last post, and I apologize. By now, many of you know that we arrived in La Paz, and are finally settled into our new slip. We had a rough transition from islands to town, but everything seems to be working out now.

Our first challenge was that our permanent slip wasn’t vacant, so we had to move around a bit. Then we discovered some holes in the holding tank hose. Not pretty. Next, we learned that the wi-fi here in the marina is spotty at best, and doesn’t like my Apple. Finally, after multiple frustrating attempts to send email, we learned that either AT & T, or Telmex have blocked our outgoing mail. So, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. I learned how to say “sanitary hose” in Spanish, and we purchased 5 meters of the stuff at the (amazing) local hardware store. We then spent an entire day removing the old hose and snaking the new one into place. I don’t think either of us had ever been in more twisted, uncomfortable positions in a single day, and we both felt pretty old and creaky the next day. The good news though, is that we fixed the problem, and figure that this new hose will last longer than we’ll own the boat. As for the wi-fi and email issues... once we moved into our permanent slip, Mark managed to get his computer to connect easily, and I did some online sleuthing to figure out how to “work around” the block on our outgoing email. I still can’t connect to the marina wi-fi on my Mac, but I can walk across the street to a café, where they have a great connection. After a week, most of our issues seem to be solved (knock on wood).

Mark went back to work last Saturday, and I’ll return this coming Saturday. We’ll both be on the Sea Lion, Mark until April 12th and me until the end of the Baja season, on April 19th. We probably won’t post much here until late April, when we take Cheers back out to the islands, but you can click the “Where’s the Sea Lion?” link to the right, and read the Daily Expedition Reports to know what we’re up to. I’m also working on posting a few photo albums from our trips on Cheers, so check back soon. I hope you enjoy them.
~ Michelle